
Update: 17 years 50 weeks

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pemasangan lampu led membutuhkan sales/marketing - s1 arsitek.pria/wanita mempunyai kendaraan sendiri surat lamaran dibawa/dikirim ke: PT.LENTERA ELOK DINAMIKA GEDUNG GRAHA OBOR RUANG B-108 JL.BANGKA RAYA 110 PELA MAMPANG JAKARTA SELATAN 12720 lamaran dikirim paling lambat 2 minggu setelah tanggal iklan

Update: 17 years 50 weeks

Dibutuhkan tenaga sarjana teknik komputer kami perusahaan swasta bergerak dibidang electrical,infrastruktur dan manufaktur, yang salah satu bidang usaha kami adalah energi baru terbarukan membutuhkan beberapa sarjana teknik komputer diutamakan yang baru lulus untuk mengisi kekosongan dibidang : DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING bagi yang berminat bisa langsung menghubungi kami melalui telepon untuk menentukan jadwal wawancara dan mengikuti test di : PT.GUNA ELEKTRO JL.RAWA GELAM II NO.8 KAWASAN INDUSTRI PULOGADUNG JAKARTA TIMUR 13930 TEL:021-46825450 UP:SRI UNTARI data awal yang kami butuhkan curiculum vitae dan transkrip dapat dibawa saat wawancara bagi yang berminat kami tunggu

Update: 17 years 50 weeks

PT.Andini Wahyu Kencana & Group We are a human-resource management authorized outsourcing agency & labor supply specialist in nationwide.Currently more than 4000 productive workers have joined us and given their best service in both national & international organizations chain. Our main goal is recruiting good quality people with efficient and cost effective human resource support to bussines in indonesia. Currently we are seeking for skilled candidates for the following positions: 1.CUSTOMER SERVICE (CS) female,max.28 years old,gpa>2,75,good looking,good interpersonal and communication skill,computer literate,customer service oriented (located at RS.Islam Pondok Gede) 2.CALL CENTER (CC) max.30 years

Update: 17 years 51 weeks

we respect differentiation but... we dont see it as any differences.. spin off your carrier PT.ANDINI WAHYU KENCANA & GROUP We are a human-resource management authorized outsourcing agency & labor supply specialist in nationwide.currently more than 4000 productive workers have joined us and given their best service in both national & international organizations chain. our main goal is recruiting good quality people with efficient and cost effective human resource support to business in indonesia Curretly we are seeking for skilled candidates for the following positions: 1.CUSTOMER SERVICE (CS) female,max 28 years old gpa>2,75,good

Update: 17 years 51 weeks

Sekolah global mandiri is a national plus school in legenda wisata cibubur, we are catering from pre school to secondary school level. due to the starting the new academic year, we are seeking qualified,enthusiastic and committed teaching staff for the following positions: 1.ACADEMIC COODINATOR 2.CLASS TEACHER 3.CLASS TEACHER PARTNER 4.ENGLISH TEACHER 5.SCIENCE TAECHER (CHEMISTRY/MATH/SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGY) 6.ART TEACHER & MUSIC 7.COMPUTER TEACHER 8.SPORT TEACHER 9.COUNSELOR (PSYCHOLOGY) 10.SOCIAL TEACHER (ANTHROPOLOGY/HOSTORY/GEOGRAPHY/CIVICS/SOCIOLOGY/ECONOMICS) 11.BAHASA INDONESIA 12.MOSLEEM & CHRISTIAN TEACHER 13.SUNDANESE TEACHER 14.SPEECH THERAPIST 15.MARKETING STAFF & SECRETARY

Update: 17 years 51 weeks

CALL CENTER OFFICER -wanita, min 25 thn,lebih disukai yang sudah menikah dan sudah mempunyai putra/putri -pendidikan min d3, keperawatan,biology,farmasi,pediatri dan psikologi -lebih disukai yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang call center produk bayi -mempunyai kemampuan analisa yang baik -ramah dan memiliki empati yang baik serta menyukai anak-anak -menguasai program komputer office -memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik jika anda sesuai kualifikasi diatas,langsung kirimkan lamaran lengkap disertai: fotocopy ktp,pas foto warna,ijazah (d3/s1), traskrip nilai ke: TELEPERFORMANCE INDONESIA 18 FLOOR MENARA JAMSOSTEK JL.JEND.GATOT SUBROTO KAV.38 JAKARTA 12710

Update: 17 years 51 weeks

We are french based multinational company (76 countries world wide), currently is looking for candidates as marketing officer we offer a net salary of 1,7 million idr. should you meet the following profile and qualification, please to send your cv and cover letter (basic,standard,no pictures or image) 1.CANDIDATE PROFILE -1 or 2 years experience in graphic design would be an advantage but fresh graduates are welcome to apply -strong skill on freehand,acrobat illustrator,corel draw and any otjer grpahic design program -team work, willingness to learn,integrity,reliable are among the required skills -enjoy working with

Update: 18 years 1 week

Daftar Peserta lolos tahap wawancara Calon Karyawan PT. Bank DKI dan Jadwal Tes Kesehatan [ Daftar Peserta & Jadwal

Update: 18 years 1 week

Wawancara Calon Karyawan PT. Bank DKI Hari/Tanggal : Kamis/22 Februari 2007 Waktu : 08.30 - Selesai Tempat : Gedung 4 Lantai 5 (Ruang 451 & 452) - Kampus Depok Peserta Wawancara dihimbau berpakaian/berpenampilan RAPIH : - Pria : Kemeja Lengan Panjang Berdasi + Celana Panjang (bukan jeans) -Wanita : Kemeja Lengan Panjang + Rok (bukan jeans) [ Peserta

Update: 18 years 2 weeks

Psikotes Hari : Selasa/20 Februari 2007 Waktu : 09.00 - 11.00 Tempat : Auditorium Gedung 4 Lantai 6 Kampus Depok Pakaian : - Pria : Kemeja Lengan Panjang Berdasi + Celana Panjang (bukan jeans) -Wanita : Kemeja Lengan Panjang + Rok (bukan jeans) [ Psikotes] Personality Tes Hari : Selasa/20 Februari 2007 Waktu : Mulai Jam 11.00-selesai Tempat : Lab. 43 dan 456 Kampus Depok [