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Public News

Update: 6 days 21 hours

PT Diva Sukses Mulia (Optimus Consulting), adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Konsultan Sumber Daya Manusia
berbasis Teknologi. Saat ini, kami sedang membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan Universitas Gunadarma untuk bergabung dengan salah
satu Bank BUMN terbesar di Indonesia melalui posisi Relationship Manager.
Sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap pengembangan karier para lulusan, kami berharap CDC dapat membantu kami dalam
mempromosikan lowongan ini kepada lulusan terbaik yang memenuhi kualifikasi berikut:
Relationship Manager
Kualifikasi Umum

Update: 19 weeks 9 hours

Established in May 2002, as PT Multikarya Asia Pasifik Raya Tbk, a company that provides product and
services for the oil and gas industry in Indonesia and the surrounding region of S.E. Asia and Australia.
We continue to grow as a company and stay focused on maintaining our customers satisfaction by
focusing on our many lines of business rental services, repair/recertification, general trading and
assurance of guaranteed availability of expendable parts for our call out order contracts.


1. Commissioning / Field Engineer (CFE)